Friday, October 5, 2018

Lau cultivation

The English name of louis gourd Laua among winter vegetables is one of the most important. Its leaves are smooth and alternate, have long legs and hollow inside. There are many types of lava in our country. Various varieties can be determined due to the size and shape of fruit. Currently the vegetables are available all year round. It is used in many types of food. So in order to get the crop in advance, lava should be cultivated right now.

Climate: The vegetables are good in winter in our country. This is the appropriate time from the environment. However, one thing is remarkable, light-air and temperature play a role in producing good fruits.

Soil: There is lava on all types of soil. The yield on low-fiber soil is the best. There will be a lot of organic manure and water to get the yield of lace in sandy soil. Currently, there is good yield of laui in the sandy soil, it is understood to look at the pasture.

Caste: Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute has invented a high yielding variety named Bari Lau-1. Besides, there are no approved varieties of loaves in Bangladesh. This variety is cultivated throughout the year. Currently, the Eastwich Seed company's Hybrid Lau Martina and Jupiter are being widely cultivated.

MADA-BAPING SUPPLY: Need to build a good maida is the high land. After 7 to 10 days of the required fertilization of the medicines, 3-4 seeds in every maida have to be sown. Planting of lace seedlings can be planted by creating aisle on the land. In this case, one sapling has to be planted in the maida against the ail.

Seedling and seed production: Seed can be sown in two ways for the cultivation of lau. Made in direct field, the seeds of sowing seeds or making saplings in polythene bags. 50 percent of the fatty dung or equivalent organic manure mixed with sand and soil should be prepared for polythene bag. Polythene bag will be 7.5 centimeters in diameter and 12-15 cm in height. To get water out of the bag, there will be two to three holes. On the other hand, in order to sow the seeds directly in Madha, after making fertilizer by making a measure of 30 × 30 × 30 cm in size, four or five seeds will be sown in every madda. After 10-15 days of seed sowing, two healthy and vigorous plants in each maida must be removed.

Seed depth of seed: 2.0-2.5 cm Within 4-5 days, the plant will sprout.

During sowing of seeds: Season for sowing of winter lava is to be sown in September to October. However, for the winter crop in the middle of August, seed can be sown.

Planting of seedlings: Two healthy and vigorous plants are planted in every maida for 2-1.2 meters for the cultivation of lau. There is arrangement for maternity leave. During the Rabi season, lava can be cultivated even without an unmounted amount.

Makhta: After planting of sapling, if the crop is made, the seed will be easily grown.

Fill the place: If there is no sapling or sapling at any place, then it is necessary to plant new seeds or saplings to fill the place.

Trees transplanting: After planting, every mother will have to leave the rest with one healthy-active plantation.

Applying the fertilizer: Applying the fertilizer over time should be applied in time.

Soil dusting: When weeding the land, weeding the soil is done with hoe. As a result, the early soil of the plant is soft and vaporized. In this, light and air enter the trees easily.

Bouquet or loft: When trees grow 15 to 20 cm in length, the bamboo tip should be put on the side of the plant's garden as a mache or bouquet.

Pollination: In the morning or afternoon, the female flower corpuscular is very easily pollinated if the pollen grains of male flowers touch 2-3 times a day. It is possible to pollinate 5-6 female flowers with a male flower.

Care: Lava's main service to water irrigation and bouquets. Lava crops require plenty of water.
Irrigation should be given in the dry season for the crop in the dry season. For this, flood irrigation is needed more. Keep a watch on the bouquet of bouquets that can be made uninterrupted.
Insect and disease suppression

Interim service: Lagoa absorbs plenty of water. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly irrigate the soil at the beginning of the tree, break the clay charms, and arrange branches and break down the branches of trees. Brewing for the Lau-1 is good.

Flies and mildew: The poisonous leaves of the insect and the juice of the leaves weaken the plant. As a result, the growth of the tree decreases. Eggs on the fly insect laucher below the shell. Within a few days of laying the eggs, the worm becomes rab and it consumes the larvae.

Powdery or Downy Milwed: If you attack the disease, then it is found on the leaves of the tree to look like powder. If there is juice in the soil then this disease is. The leaves of the tree in brown milk contain a brownish brown color. The leaves are bruised by fungal attack.

Remedies: Consult your nearest agricultural office to remedy the disease and consult it.

Fruit flypipe: Adult flies are dark brown in brown brown. Wife flies lay eggs on tender fruits. Eggs enter the fruit of the pods, and they spoil the tender part of the louse. As a result, the affected laui gets rotten and falls in the early morning. By creating poison, its attack can be prevented.
To control the insects using insecticides, spray the tree with Dipterx-80 SP 1.0 gram or Dipterox-50 EC 1.5 ml in 15 liters of water per leaf, with the result of the crop yielding.

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