Friday, October 5, 2018

Dhundul farming

The first condition of the soil is to cultivate dhumdul, which is high, the water does not get accumulated, the land which does not have any shade, must be selected. Good for loamy and sandy loam cultivation. It is desirable to have soil fertile and irrigation and drainage.

Amount of seeds: Seeds of 1.5-2.0 kg per hectare are required.

Creating land: 3-4 times to build land with deep cultivation and ladder. Weeds will have to be weeded. Fertilizers can be applied on land during the cultivation. Then 1 foot deep and 1.5 feet wide by mada or dusting. The distance from one mada to another mother will be 5-6 feet. However, the goal should be to keep the mother higher than 5-6 inches above the land. According to the amount mentioned above, fertilizers can apply to the soil without applying the soil, in that case, add 5-6 kg, 100 grams of TSP, 60-70 gram of MP fertilizer, mixed with rotten cow dung, ash, rotten spinach, organic fertilizer etc. in every maida Will be And wait 5-6 days to sow the seeds.

Seeding: Selection of good varieties of seeds. To be sown 24 hours before sowing. To give 4-5 seeds in every maida to be done.

Irrigation: If soil is low in the soil, it is necessary to irrigate. But irrigation is better after applying the Urea.

Other services: Keeping 3-4 trees per maida and leaving the rest. To be careful about drainage. Bamboo poles should be done. Keep an eye on the fish or jungle that can be easily made. Weeds should be cleaned after birth. After 15-20 days, apply urea over 50 ml per maida.

Suppressing diseases: Dhondul fields should always be kept clean. The diseased and dead leaves have to be laid down. Fruit pesticides cause severe damage to insects. It will take quick action for this disease.

Collection and Yield: After planting, dust can be collected in 50-60 days. If there is a fruit lamp, you need to collect the buds. One hectare yields up to 12-14 metric tons. Plant disease free, improved varieties, modern farming practices and proper farming. For any advice contact the sub-assistant agricultural officer, nearest agricultural counseling center or upazila agricultural office in your area.

Hybrid Dhundal Fujian's cultivation method
Hybrid Dhundul Fujian is cultivated in the monsoon season. The vegetables are light green, unscrupulous, very tasty and very tasty. Seedlings can start harvesting within 40-45 days of planting. The fruit is 25-30 cm long and the average weight is 125 grams. 35-40 fruits are found on each tree. Acreage yields 12-14 tons. Due to insect-spider, disease and rain water tolerant

Hybrid Dhundal Fujian's farming guidelines

Selection of land: Fertile etel loamy soil is suitable for cultivation of dhundul. Seeding time: During the month of February-August, seed sowing. Amount of seeds: 4 grams per each and 400 grams per acre.

Seeding method: Distance from row to row 2 meters and distance from tree to tree 1 meter. 155 cm 30 cm in both sides of the extended bed Place the seed (1 ft) in a row and sow the seed in 1 meter (40 inches) away in a row. For irrigation and drainage, 45 cm between two beds. (18 in) wide and 15 cm (6 inches) must keep the deep trough.

Crop collection and yield can be started in 40-45 days of crop sowing. The yield of 120-140 kgs per acre and one-acre yield is 12-14 tonnes.

The necessary activities should be kept weed free from the land. Need irrigation and drainage systems if needed. To arrange trees, make arrangements for the trees. Appropriate measures should be taken to prevent disease.

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