Friday, October 5, 2018

Plant cultivation of native fruits

Despite being neglected as an outcome, the people of the country are attracted to its taste and medicinal properties. Excessive work and cost of cultivating steam does not cost any. Once in a hurry, there are regular results every season. The yield of non-obsolete fruits is more than the traditional guava, amara, jamrul and other fruits. There is no disease and the fruit does not destroy the bird. Moreover, care is not taken to cultivate and fertilizer. People in the rural areas are currently benefiting financially by selling steerage.

Driven trees in wet damp wells grow well. In most parts of the country, there are visible trees seen in the region. However, the production of forest in the southern part of the country's Khulna, Bagerhat, Pirojpur and Barisal districts is high. Small traders from the region gather around the village market and garden and send them to different parts of the country. The wholesale traders of different places, including Dhaka, came and bought the driving force. Wholesale traders bought the rice from the local market and at the rate of 2 to 3 hundred rupees per shipment.

Plant seeds and plants are planted when planted. There are 20 chambers in each of the steam and 4 to 5 seeds in this chamber. On the plowing tree white-colored aromatic flowers appear in May-June and the fruit starts to ripen in the beginning of winter. In December, the seeds have to be sown in fruit and have to be planted in February-March.

Because of the increase in earnings and medicinal value by selling jungle fruits, many people started cultivating it with other fruits in the house. Exercise is a very beneficial result for the human body. It is very delicious to eat, cooked, jelly sharabat made from this. Dried and mixed with water mixed with sugar and water, cold and fever is good. Chemotherapy is also used as a protective medicine. Benefits of playing steamed rice for blood loss.


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