Friday, October 5, 2018

Baukul farming

In recent times, Baukul has created a stir in the country. Anyone who cultivates this bacul can easily become self-sufficient economically. In light of its own experience, this seasonal fruit cultivation system has been highlighted. Successful Baku farmer MA Korshner Milan of Narsingdi.

Bangladesh's weather is very useful for cold cultivation. Bacukul can be cultivated on any soil without water. Many of the vitality of this tree. It is possible to get success by cultivating a small amount of money, small land and short term bauxite.

Through a bigha (thirty percent) of land through baukul farming, it is possible to earn 18-20 lakhs of possible minimum income in six years. There are also many companion crops. Apart from the first year of planting, the land becomes empty after planting trees. Then it is possible to spend the yearly care of the annual garden by cultivating seasonal vegetables. At this time, it is possible to cultivate brinjal, summer tomato, molasses, or hybrid coral crops.

Let us take a little bit of income and expenditure in six years. In the light below, the potential income-expenditure table was shown below.

In the first year to cultivate a bigha of the soil, the seedlings need 150 times. In that case, the distance from row to queue is 12 feet and the seedlings are six feet away from the plant. After three years, a tree should be removed from the middle of two trees and the number of trees will stand 75. According to the above estimation, net profit of one bigha land in the last six years is Tk 17,272,000 / -.

Where, when to cultivate:
It has already been said that bakukul can be cultivated in all the unbundled lands of Bangladesh. In the sunny sunshine on the slopes of hills, on the pond, or in the sand in the woods, even in the tub or drum on your house roof. Better time of winter planting than mid-May to mid-August. If there is sufficient irrigation system, then planting saplings can be planted throughout the year.

Method of Planting:
1. General: In recent field studies, it is not necessary to create mats by digging on the soil, clay, fog, poly clay, except in the mountains of the red soil, the pond, the courtyard of the house and the untimely weeds. During the last cultivation of this type of land, land should be equalized with 60 kg of TSP, 30 kg urea, 30 kg MOP, 60 grams of powdered dung and two kg of powdered sohaga, and should be equalized by the ladders and the width of 15 inches per 15 inch width of 6 inches deep By making the soil of the nallah, both sides will have to make a bed of 12 feet in the plot ground. After one week, planting seedlings of 6 feet under each bed will be planted.

2. MADA CREATED: The rows are 12 feet and the seedlings from seedlings to plant saplings at six feet away, you need two foot length, two feet width and two feet deep hole in two feet away at the distance mentioned above. 200 grams of TSP, 100 grams of urea, 100 gram mop, 100 grams of mustard oil and 10 gram powdered sohagha and 15-20 kg dung should be mixed with soil after digging a hole in one week. After two weeks of filling the hole with fertilizer mixed soil, planting the cool sapling should be tied with a stick. The pulse or hawk from the bottom of the pensed part should always be cut. Otherwise, the pen tree may die due to the influence of the jungle tree.

3. Planting in drums or tubers: In this case, mixing equal amount of soil and cranie dung should be planted by planting drums or tubes for two weeks and planting three saplings of green silkworm tablet tree for 15 days. In this way, once the flower is coming, silvimic tablets will be applied once more.

Tub / semi-palm farming
A. At first, a brickbottle of 1 inch pieces of brick, pigeon leaf and hay should be spread on the bottom of the pan.
B. The whole tub or drum should be filled with patchy dung and coarsely ground mixture.
C. Now you have to plant a healthy and vigorous pen in the center of the tub. There is no need for chemical fertilizers for this.
D However, if the leaves of the tree get out and mature, then 2-3 silva mix tablet will be 5-7 cm from the beginning of the plant. 5-7 cm away The soil should be deeply buried.
E. Arrangement of irrigation and sewage should be maintained according to the requirement of trees. If properly treated, one-year-old tree yields 8-12 tonnes per hectare.

Additional apply:
The garden will always be kept weed-free. After planting, apply the upper and apply on top before the flower comes to the plant. If the tree growth is less then 40 days after the first application, then every 100 grams of urea should be applied.

First up apply:
By mixing 50 grams of urea per plant, 50 grams of Mop and 50 grams of Khail 50 grams together with a light hoe on the field using the ring in the tree's six-inch distance. The plant is mixed with urea 100 grams, MOP 50 grams, TSP 200 grams per plant, and light inhibition of the soil by 6 inches of the plant.

After cooling every year, by the end of March, after the size of the trees, cut the stems of 3-5 feet in the height of the trees and cut the soil in the garden and lighten the soil for the first time and apply it like dung and other fertilizers.

Sufficient adverse tolerant cooling plants are usually affected by spotty, red tiny spider, stem and fruit pesticides and one type of fungus.

Two meters of water per liter for wormwood and other leafy insects. Pyroifs can be sprayed on the skin by mixing insecticides. When attacked by spider, it is necessary to mix two grams of thyovit with two Tappargar in every liter of water.

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