Friday, October 5, 2018

Guava cultivation

Start talk
Guava is a fast growing summer fruit. It is one of the most popular fruits of Bangladesh. This fruit is cultivated less than everywhere in the country. However, commercially barishal, Pirojpur, Sorkupakati, Jhalakati, Chittagong, Dhaka, Gazipur, Khagrachari, Rangamati, B Bariya, Comilla etc. have been cultivated.

Guava is a fruit rich in Vitamin 'C'. Apart from this, there is a great amount of vitamins B and essential minerals like calcium and iron. Guava can be eaten both raw and ripe. Per 100 grams of foodgrains result in 14.5% of starch, 1.5% protein, 1.0% iron, 0.01% calcius, 30.0 mg of Vitamin B-1, 30.0 m grebo riboflovin, 299.0 m. Village Vitamin-C and 66 calories. As a result of which there is enough amount of paktin, it is easy to prepare jam, jelly, chutney etc..

Pearl breed
There are many popular varieties of peaara in Bangladesh. Among the varieties, the names of the species that were invented by research institutes and the local genus are given below

A) The varieties introduced by Bari: Kazi Guava, Bari Peaara-2, Bari Pyaara-3

(B) Bau Pyaara-1 (sweet), Ba Pyaara-2 (Ranga), Ba Pyaara-3 (Choudhury) and Ba Pyaara-4 (Apple).

C) Bangabandhu Agriculture World: Innovated by: Yepsa Peaara-1, Ipsa Peaara-2

D) Local popular castes: Kanchan Nagar (Chattagram caste), Mukundpuri (B-Bhoyari) and Swarupkathi (Pirojpur, Swarupkathi, Jhalakathi)

E) Other varieties: Thai guava, poly guava, grapes etc.

In order to ensure high yielding high and medium highland land, it has to be selected for guava cultivation. The land has to be made several times by cultivation and ladder.

Paarar saplings or pens are planted in 4-5mm x 4-5 m. 60 x 60 x 60 cm size mada should be made. After 15-20 days after mixing 10-15 kg of dung, 250 grams of TSP and 250 grams of MP fertilizer in every hole, plant a healthy and vigorous plant or pen in the middle of the hole. Immediately after planting the sapling, the irrigation should be done at the beginning of the planting and the needle should be tied with a granular tree so that the plant can not tilt or uproot in the air.

Suitable environment
Generally, the warm and cozy climate is suitable for the production of guava. Guava is well-grown, with heavy etel soil rich in organic material, where there is special advantage of water harvesting.

Planting by seed is very easy. But the seeds of the seeds can not be found on the mother-in-law of guava. So it is better to proliferate through the pen without spreading the seeds by seeds. Mainly through the graft pen, it is proliferated. But nowadays it is seen that the cultivation of sapling-wilt disease in the form of a gutter-grown garden is being widespread. Therefore, instead of the piston pen, the wilt resistant varieties such as poly paarar rootstakes are attached to the joint or crack joint pen through this method. May - July is the perfect time to pen.

Care and management of fertilizers
Although the guava tree can tolerate drought, there should be irrigation on the tree after 15 days in the dry season to get the yield expected. Besides, fertilizers should be applied every year to irrigate the plants at the beginning of the plant. In addition, during the monsoon, the water harvesting and the drought season will be given regular irrigation.

Fertilizer management
A. A healthy and vigorous planting / palm should be planted in the middle of the hole after 15-20 days by mixing 10-15 kg of dung, 250 grams of TSP and 250 grams of MP fertilizer in every hole.

B) Before planting and after the year of planting, apply 50 grams of potash and TSP fertilizer and 20 grams of urea fertilizers before the trees.

C) Fertilizer application: fertilizers should be applied to the tree in three Kis in the month of February, May and September every year. Applying the fertilizer around the beginning of the tree in the place where the tree shade across the area, at the noon, except for the beginning of the tree, at the time of fertilization of the tree, at the time of fertilization, the entire area should be mixed up to the ground. The following table gives the amount of fertilizer for different age groups.

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