Friday, October 5, 2018

The method of cultivating Thai mango

Thai varieties cultivated in Thailand are known as Thai Mango. But no Thai mother is born in Thailand. Mango native residence in this Indian subcontinent. Thailand Mango has invented many advanced varieties by researching some early species. Many varieties of these varieties are cultivated on commercial basis. Some varieties are cultivated in other countries too. Recently, several varieties of mangoes came from Thailand. The varieties are Chukanon, Miyacho, Mohakakak, Naam Doc Myi, Name Doc My Maine, Name Doc My4, Umran, Thai Kanchadhila etc. Among these species, the name Doc Myya has become a tasty mango and has been loved by many for eating Thai raw varieties as raw mango. Although the name Doc my species is known in different nurseries in different countries, the cast is actually the same. Various nurseries, including nursery, are now available in the name Doc Mynasty mango seedlings.

Name Doc My Type Character: This variety of mangoes can be eaten raw and ripe. The trees are medium-sized, thickly papal-shaped, erect The new leaves become light green, dark green with age. A six-year-old tree may be up to six meters tall. From the year after planting pen sapling, the fruit comes from the fruit and the fruit comes out. It takes four to five years to plant fruit on the tree.

The fruit of this species is long, slightly curved, the nozzle is narrow and dull. The raw mango is green, but after the pusa, the cobs become completely yellow. The average weight of an average is 300 grams, usually weighing between 250 and 400 grams of america. The mango is about 13 cm long and six centimeters wide. The color of shades after yellowing is yellow and soft. The shells are very sweet and non-skinned. But the shells near the coconut to be soft, the shells close to the grains become much more soft as jelly or mud. Four percent of the weight of mango weighed, shells, one-piece peel and stems. The peas are quite thin. After the mangoes, gentle sweet scent comes out from the mango. Mango seed varieties of polyps or polyamberries are of nature. Generally, there is a grain of america. But there are many saplings from this species of america. Although almost all the varieties of mango are not exactly the same from the roots of the roots, the maternal product is the same as the name doc mine variety, and the characteristics of the mangoes that are stored in the tree plant are also the same.

Cultivation: In the house courtyard, on the roof, in the drums, in the pond, in the commercial garden name Doc Myra variety can be planted. Two trees can be planted in the hutabari. However, if one wants to build this type of commercial garden on a single hectare land, then in that case the profit from Amrapali Amer will not be less. The higher the land where the flood or rain water does not stick to this type of mango tree. The name Doc Myra variety mango can be cultivated on any soil, except in sandy, sandy loam and coastal soil. It can be cultivated red soil and hills. However, loamy and clay loamy soil is the best. If it is cultivated using organic manure on this soil, it is better to grow and grow the plant.

When planting the pen, it can be sown with low density in very dense manner. After five to six years, after getting the fruit from those trees, a tree can be cut off from the center of the two trees. In the first three to four years, the same amount of land can be almost twice as much profit. After cutting, keep the rest of the trees partially and then take care of them, those trees are full. Generally, this type of seedling or pen is given four to six meters of distance. As per this distance, 185 to 278 seedlings of hectare can be planted. In a very dense manner, trees can be planted in rows of three meters at a distance of three meters. Otherwise, it is possible to set up various vegetables, mung beans and peas, peas, sesame, ginger etc. until the tree is large enough to keep the middle space empty without planting the seeds or pens away from six meters away. Seven to 10 days before planting, dig the hole and dig it 10 to 15kg of dung in the soil of the hole should be kept. Pen or sapling should also be arranged. Proper time for planting monsoon. But polybags or tub pens can be fitted any time of the year without much cold. In that case, irrigation should be done. In the middle of the holes, the seedlings should be sideways and then the water should be given at the beginning of the plant. If the seedlings begin to grow, four tablets of fertilizer on the four corners of the tree do not need to be fertilized all year round. However, the quantity of urea, TSP, MOP, zinc and gypsum fertilizers should be applied in the second year. If necessary, boron must be fertilized. If you do not, then the mound can burst. Pruning is necessary for the good production of this variety of mangoes, decrease in mortality, reduce disease attack and good yield. Especially after planting, pruning work for the first few years is quite important. In addition to strengthening the root trunk or the trunk, the head of the tree is shaken more, with more flowering. If the tree starts to bear fruits, then the stalks will be cut off. Too thickly damped pulses will be thin. If the tree is cut to three to five meters height, it is possible to spray and make fruit. These species regularly bear fruit every year, but not all yearly.

Sapling or pen formation: Plants can be made directly from seed or seed. To be fully softened by keeping the fruit fully planted for two or four days. Then collect the seed from the mango and put it on the ground of the first seed bed. After seeding the ribs away from the seed bed 20 to 30 cm away, cover the loop with loose granular soil.


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