Friday, October 5, 2018

Strawberry cultivation

Introduction Strawberry is a very creampie and delicious fruit. The strawberry tree is like a towel or potato tree, but the leaves are bigger and larger. Like the Thanakuni tree, the seedlings spread everywhere around the runner. It is possible to cultivate the runner cut out of the side and it can be cultivated separately. But its seeds are currently available. It is possible to produce hundreds of seedlings a year if a strawberry tree grows through a runner. It is very difficult to save the trees from April to September in Bangladesh because of the high temperature of strawberry winter country. Strawberry fruit is green in raw condition and green in reddish condition and red in color. The fruit looks like a litch. Strawberry is rich in life-saving nutrients. It contains vitamins A, C, E, Folic Acid, Selenium, Calcium, Polyphenols, Alagic Acid, Feral Acid, Kumaric Acid, Kuressetin, Jananthomysin and Phytosterol. Among them, it is known to have the properties of Elacid Acid Cancer, Old Age, and Sexually Transmitted Infections. Professor of Botany Department of Rajshahi University. M. Manzur Hossain tried to cultivate a short day long length strawberry in Japan from Japan in 1996. But he first saw that this genre is not breeding through runner. Even the size of the fruit is getting smaller Which is not suitable for commercial cultivation. Later, he was able to invent a variety of species through research in the Tissue Culture Lab located in the University for the last several years. Which is possible to commercially cultivate in Bangladesh in Bangladesh. His caste name is ST-3 He said that it will yield from the first week of December to March in the third week of October. He further said that it is possible to get a yield of 250-300 grams per plant in every four months. The average weight of each strawberry is 10 to 15 grams. Professor Dr. M. Manjur Hossain has been successfully cultivating it for the last 3 years in the akufuji nursery of Bhadra Bhabra in the Padma residential area of ​​Rajshahi City. This year, he is providing seedlings in different districts of the country through the Bangladesh Strawberry Association. Professor Manjur further said that strawberry cultivation has proved to be possible in all the areas of Bangladesh in all the areas. But sandy loam soil is the best. Select a land with bright sunlight and open water drainage system. Soil acidity or alkalinity should be between 6.0 and 6.5. For this reason, before cultivating strawberry cultivation, soil acidity or alkalinity and nutrition test can be obtained by cultivating it accordingly. To get high quality and yield, the day temperature is 20-26km. And the night temperature is 12-16k. If it is good then. At least 8 hours of sunlight is best for strawberry growth in the day. Strawberry flowers begin to come in the daytime length of less than 14 hours. Temperature is 38kk. More than that, strawberry trees die.

As an initial, it is seen that cultivating strawberry in 1 bigha of land costs about Tk 150,000 and earns around Tk 4 lakh in six months. In this case, 1 bigha land has been valued at Tk. 1,02,000 for the 6,000 sq.m. and the price of kerosene to 1.500 kg strawberries has been increased from 250 to 300 rupees. Strawberries imported from abroad are available in different super markets of Dhaka, which are currently priced between Tk.1000 and Rs.1,500.
Area of ​​strawberry cultivation: Strawberry is good in the winter country. In the hot country, trees do not want to be easily yielded. But with the efforts of the researchers, some countries have been experimenting on some experiments in this country. Strawberries can be grown in some northern districts of the country. Strawberries can be cultivated in those areas, especially in areas where there is more winter and longer days. Panchagarh, Rangpur, Dinajpur, Thakurgaon and even Pabna, Natore can be cultivated.

Suitable soil: Strawberries can be grown by applying sandy loaves and many organic fertilizers in the soil. Strawberries can not be grown in the land which is accumulated.

Seedling: Strawberry seedlings are not easily available yet. Especially desirable seedlings must be believed - need to be collected from a nursery. Strawberry trees have shrubs and pendants, and some tall trees from the beginning of the tree are planted on the ground. The clogged clay is rooted from the girth of the clay. Cutting the rooted git and putting it on the ground, new seedlings will be created. Half of the soil is mixed with a dung manure and filled with polybag with a rooted git, to make the cloth. In this case, it is possible to make 18-20 plants from a tree.

Preparation of land: Land should be properly cultivated by cultivating land properly and cultivating the land is 30cm deep. Since the root of strawberry tree is on the ground, it is necessary to mix the ground with a fixed amount of fertilizer mixed well in the soil.
Planting Plant: Strawberry seedlings can be planted from mid-October to mid-day. But November is the best time to plant strawberries. After the construction of the land, the length of the line from the line is 50 centimeters and 30 cm away in every row of strawberry seedlings. If the rain does not have to remove excess water from the field then the tree will rot.

Fertilizer Application and Irrigation: A lot of organic fertilizer is needed for strawberries. For this, 50-60 kg urea fertilizer, 70 kg TSP fertilizer and 80 kg of MOP fertilizer should be applied per acre. Divide these fertilizers into two equal parts and one part is to give flowers one month before flowering and another should be given during flowering time. Irrigation should be done after 2-3 days after the fruit starts to fall.

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