Friday, October 5, 2018

Bale cultivation

Bell is a nutritious and beneficial fruit. Both raw and tired are equally beneficial. Dangerous to diarrhea and diarrhea due to raw bell Ripe Bell Shrubt Tasty Sandy is rich in Vitamin C, A and valuable nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus and potassium. Bell is called Srielf, because the leaves and fruits of the bell are used in the worship of Hindus. Because the Hindus are considered sacred by the belt, they never cook the bell wood.

There is no need to do anything different to cultivate bails. Other fruits such as mango, bamboo, litchi and bamboo, they are grown in normal service.

In the English, Bell is called Wood Apple, because the fruit of this fruit is as solid as wood. The Bengalis named after the Bengal quince named after seeing the result of the result of Bangabandhu. Its scientific name: Aegle marmelos Correa (syn. Feronia pellucida Roth, Crataeva marmelos L). Bel Rootasi (Rutaceae) is a family member of lemon. Its Sanskrit name is bilb. Bell's birth in India. All leaves fall in the winter, again new leaves come in the spring. The results of the bell are usually round hard husks. The raw fruit color is green, the twisted peel becomes yellow. The color of the inner shells becomes orange or yellow. The aroma from the ripe bell is out.

Pen method
It takes about 15 years to get a seed from seed and yield it, which is more than any cropped crop in this country. No one wants to wait for such a long time to get the fruit, so the cultivation of belt is gradually decreasing. The trees that are seen around our house are actually born from seeds. But by cutting the root, the belt can be propagated by air learing and cleft grating or crack pen. The result of the research is that it is possible to collect only 4 to 6 years of bell from the pen's tree. So it appears that about 10 years ago, it is possible to collect Bell from the pen tree. Many have no idea about this. They think that Bell's ancestry is not reproduction. There are currently no invented / liberated species of Bell in this country. But there are many good varieties of bell in different parts of the country. Starting from 500 grams in the country today, we have seen a 20 kg weighing bell. So if you wish, you can easily plant any weight belle garden. The first thing to do is to select quality maternity leave which can be collected later. The second thing is to produce seedlings in polybag from any bell seed, which will be used later as rootstock, and the last thing is to get the desired age (3 to 6 months) in the appropriate time (in the middle of April), by adding the desired silicon cleft grafting or fracture pen. In fact, in the case of other fruits such as clafting graphing or crack pens, the same is done in the case of the bell, but the time is very important. Time limit may be more than 7 days. In that case, before the new kapitata of maternal grandfather's collection, the tip of the pen obstruction must be completed. After the katipata leaves the materigagane pen the success of the pen will be greatly reduced. In some cases it may fall down to 10 percent. However, if pen gaining time, success is about 90 to 95 percent. Within two weeks of grafting, new kushi will be out. However, after a week, pen must be looked after at least once a day. If new kushi is to be removed from the irrigation then the top polythene cover should be removed and any kushi out from the rootstock should be broken. Line-line and trees will have to be 6 to 8 meters. Usually in the middle of May 50 cm length, breadth and depth should be done. During the hole, the upper half part of the hole should be placed on one side and the ground on the other side. The pit has to dry in the sun for 10 days to remove the soil from the hole. After this, fill the hole by rotating the ground with 10 kg of dung fertilizer, 250 grams of TST, 200 grams of MP, 150 gms of gypsum, 50 gum zinc sulphate and 10 grams of boric acid. If you do not fill the hole with the soil of the upper part of the hole during the hole filling, then the top soil should be placed in the hole. It is better to not fill the hole with the soil under the hole. This plant of the pen should be planted in the holes fixed in June-July. After planting the seedlings should be tied directly with the poles and irrigation should be provided. Following the above method it is possible to easily grow the bell garden with profitably.

There is no current farming of Bel and there is no farming. The number of these trees is decreasing continuously. At no time can be found in the bell market because the supply is less than the demand. The market price of the fruit is not less. The price of a small size of 50 to 60 bucks The price of the big bell ranges from 250 to 300 rupees. Farmers will definitely benefit from commercial and planned bell gardens.

Bell's Quality Balance is a minor productive crop in Bangladesh. Although minor results, its multi-use, nutritional quality is not less in any part. Smaller adults prefer the fruit. Every part of the bell tree starts from the original tip of the tree and uses it in different ways. Diarrhea and diarrhea are good in raw bela salts. Adhapaka is used for the preparation of Morbo. Ripe Bell also has many uses. Grilled bell shells from the tree can be eaten directly. The rosy Bell's walnut removes constipation. It is also used for making pancakes, jam, jelly, chutney, squash, beverage and various types of aromatherapy medicines. In other countries of the world, using bell leaves and tip salad.

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