Friday, October 5, 2018

Spinach cultivation

Palanga is very popular, nutritious and delicious leaves of vegetables. Its English name is Spinich and the scientific name Spinacea olerocea. The vegetables are more vitamins rich. It is cultivated in winter in Bangladesh.

Advantages of Pulp Vegetable: Palanpak is almost everyone's favorite. Many people eat soup like this vegetable cooked. This vegetarian dish can be eaten as well, cooked with fish can be eaten easily. The spinach is very healthy as the body is sprayed, and in spite of the disease, these vegetables have a huge role. Palanpur helps in keeping the body intact. The stool inside the intestine easily makes it out. Diabetes patients benefit from playing this spinach. The seeds of these vegetables are also very beneficial. Thick oil of its seeds cures diseases of the worms and urine. The pulp of leaf spinach leaves good function to remove the problems of lungs, groin problems, body heat, etc. The spinach kept the cold body cool. This leafy beneficial for jaundiced patients is particularly beneficial. This leaflet is called blood cleanser food. Increase blood. Increases the brightness of the eye and increases the facial fibers. If there is burns, wounds, brine or somnolence, then it is beneficial to get rid of fresh ribbons.

Nutrition list: Protein contains 2.0 grams per 100 grams, carbohydrate has 2.8 grams, fiber contains 0.7 grams, iron 11.12 m The village has phosphorus 20.3m Grams, acidity (nicotine) 0.5m Village, Riboflavin contains .08 m. Grams, oxalic acid contains 652 m Grams, calcium 73m Village, potassium 208m GRA, Vitamin contains 9300 ii. U, Vitamin C 27m GRA, Thiamine has .03 m. GRA In the past, the market could also be bought in the market. But now it is almost extinct. These spinachs were very beneficial. Spinach is particularly beneficial for children.

Pulandak varieties: Pudh Jayanti, Copy Palang, Green, Green Bengal and Talkpong. There are also Nabal Giant, Banarjee Giant, Pushpa Jyoti etc.

Soil: Lonely fertile soil is more suitable. Apart from clay, sandy-loamy soil can also be cultivated.

Build land: Land should be made refined by cultivating land and laddering.

The name of the fertilizer and the amount per century
Dung: 40 Kg
Urea 1 kg
TSP and 500 grams
MP 500 g
Fertilizer Application Rules:
»All fertilizers, except urea, have to be applied during the last cultivation period. But it is better to apply early in the form of dung land.
»Urea fertilizer after planting 10-10 days after 8-10 days after planting, after 2-3 years of application should be mixed with soil.

Allection and preparation: Plants are cultivated even after making ali on the soil. High alp spinach is selected for. The high yielding seedlings can be sown in advance. To clean the weeds by crushing alar soil with spade and make soil.

Fertilizer application: Dung, urea, TSP, MP Fertilizers should be applied according to the rule of spinach.

Seedling rate:
In each case ⇒ 35-40 grams
About 117 grams per century
⇒ 9-11 kg per acre
⇒ 5.25 kg per hectare

Seeding time: September- January month.

Seeding Plant: 10 sq.m away seed is sown. But the seeds can be sown even though sprinkled.

Germination time: After planting, the germination takes about 7-8 days.

Planting of seed or sapling: Planting seed or seeds of sowing can be sown directly by sprinkling seeds or holes in the field, or planting saplings by planting sapling in the seed bed. Before sowing the seeds are to be wet in water for 24 hours. There is a need to sow 2-3 seeds in every maida by creating a hole in a specific distance.

Weeds should be removed: Weeds should be removed if the crop is released.

Fertilizer treatment: During the time, fertilizer has to be applied according to the rules.

Irrigation Applying: There is a lot of water needed for these vegetables. So before fertilizing the fertilizer, it is necessary to irrigate the soil 'joe' situation. After planting the seedlings need irrigation.

Vacuum Filler: If the seedling of a place dies or the seed does not sow, it is necessary to plant the seedlings again within 7-10 days.

Soil dusting: For rapid growth of the tree, holding the juice for more days on the ground and so that the light can enter the soil easily, it is necessary to loosen the soil above the al / soil every time after irrigation.

Thinning of trees: After 8-10 days of seed growing, after planting 2 seedlings, every seed has to plant extra seedlings and plant it in empty place.

Harmful insects: Poultry is occasionally seen in pigeon, Urchunga, Vipoka and papillary insect attack. If the attack is to remove the affected trees.

Disease management: Major diseases of spinal cord are:
1) Root rot disease
2) Leaf Stains Disease
3) Leaf sloping disease.
Apart from this, there are two different types of diseases seen in the pallets. For example - Downley Module, the stain on the page.

Collection of Crops: After one month of sowing, pulping can be collected and can be collected at any time till the flower is available.

Every Alley is 8-10 kg
Every quarter is 28-37 kg
2800-3800 kg per acre
7-9 tons per hectare

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