Friday, October 5, 2018

Textile farming

A lot of new vegetables in Bangladesh. The buttermilk is widely cultivated in different countries of China, Japan and Southeast Asia. The characteristics of this vegetable are its long, flat, white color, and leaves are light green and spherical.

In Bangladesh, the year-to-year buttermilk can be cultivated with winter. But it is good in the winter. Betel palm can be cultivated on any soil, but fine-sized and sandy loamy soil is better.

Caste: Bari Batishak-1, China, Chinese workers are popular with farmers.

Planting: Better planting of tall bed is better. Planting seedlings can be planted directly in the seed or planting seedlings. But it is better to plant saplings in planting. After plowing the land, seeds can be sown directly in the row by two rows at a distance of 60 cm in a meter wide bed. Apart from this, saplings can be planted in the seed bed 30 cm away from the plant. Planting should be between 20 and 25 days for planting.

Seed sowing or planting time: It is better not to sow in the rain during the whole year. For winter cultivation, the seeds can be sown from ashin to gramayana.

Seedling: If the seedlings are made, seeds will be required for every century of the land, and if the seeds are sown directly, the seed will need five grams for every percent of the land. For planting the seedlings, there will be 220 saplings per century. There are 9,500 seeds in every 10 villages.

Sowing or planting distance: Distance from row to row should be 60 centimeters and the seedlings of the seedlings will be 30 centimeters. Seeds take four to five days to grow.

Fertilizer application: For every tectonic farming, apply 40 kg of dung, one kg urea, 600 grams of TSP and 900 gram mop fertilizer per acre cultivation. During the preparation of the land, complete cultivation of dung (40 kg) and complete TSP fertilizer (600 grams) and half urea (500 grams) and half mop fertilizer (450 gram) will be applied in the land. After 20 to 25 days, the remaining half urea (500 grams) and MOP fertilizer (450 grams) will be mixed up well with the soil by applying the soil.

Service: Regular irrigation and drainage needs to be arranged. Hedge should be kept weed-free. If there is an attack of disease and insects, then the integrated pest management system has to be followed.

Harvesting and harvesting: Before harvesting crops, harvesting will be required. The leaves can be gradually taken from one end to the bottom without collecting trees at once. Crop can be harvested after 60 to 65 days after planting or 40 to 45 days after planting. The yield is 70 to 80 kg per century.

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