Friday, October 5, 2018

Potential pear cultivation

Pear English name Pear This is mainly the result of temperate region. Trees may be up to 12 to 20 meters high. Fall leaves in the winter. In the summer flowers and leaves come together. Flowers are white, clustered on any side of the pulse. The unexplored boom of flowers is very beneficial. The fruit is very much like a pair of papaya.

Although the fruit is green in raw condition, the available variety in our country is always gray color. By making junky naplings, the seedlings of good breed pear can be made by making pen. The yield is good. However, there is a possibility of getting the fruit before the right time. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful in the field of fruit. In Asia, nearly 20 varieties of pearl cultivation are commercially cultivated. Of these, the main producer countries China and Japan

Pears is a potential foreign fruit. But paddy cultivation has started in very limited form in the hill areas of Chittagong Hill Tracts and Sylhet hills. The Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute has introduced a new breed to spread paddy cultivation among all.

In our country, the pear grows well in the CHT. Here it is grown slightly, gray to brown and black and white. The light copy is in color. The variety which is cultivated in Sylhet area is very wild.

Soil and Meteorology: Although pears are the result of the temperate region, it is being successfully produced in temperate climates. Favorable weather paddy cultivation in the hill areas of Bangladesh. Pests can be cultivated on a well-processed, fertile fog or sandy soil.

Dynasty: Generally, pear straps can be spread through twitching. However, it is possible to cultivate and cultivate in the process. The pen is usually tied in April-May. For making pen, components like lemon litch etc. can be used. July-August time is suitable for cutting the pen.

Planting and fertilizer application: Generally sowing plants are planted in the rainy season. Sapling can be planted from mid-June to mid-October. The planting distance will be 4 to 6 meters. Saplings can also be planted in sloping lands surrounding the homestead. Good cultivation of paddy can be found at a certain distance in the hill slopes. From 60 cm to 1 meter deep and wide holes, 15-20 kg of raw dung, Khail 1 kg, TSP 500 g and 250 mg. Fertilizers should be well filled and fill the hole and the ingredients should be fertilized. The nitrogen fertilizer demand is highest in pears. Therefore, after 30 to 40 days of planting trees, urea fertilizer should be applied at every 100 grams of trees. 150 to 200 grams of urea fertilizers have to be applied on the 1 to 5 year old tree. Old and weaker trees will be given before and after the monsoon season and after mid-life and Ashwin end 30 kg of raw dung, khail 2 kg, urea 500 g, and TSP 400 g. With a depth of 25cm deep and wide in the circle at a distance of 1 meter from the beginning of the tree, the filling should be filled with all the fertilizers mixed with the soil.

Diseases and insects: Among pancreatic diseases, black fungus disease is the main cause of stem. Diseases in any age group can be. For remedies, the intersecting branch should be cut and the bordoopest should be applied to the wound. Besides, there is a black band on the old stem, which is a major disease in pest hill areas. Pancreatic pests and pests of these insects are more. The holes of the pestle and the pests As a result, the invasive dals die and die.

Fruit Collection and Yield: Starting from 2 to 3 years after planting on the pen's pen, the fruit starts. Flower comes in March-April and fruit is grown in July, The fruit depends on the age and growth of plants. The annual tree contains an average of 200 to 300 fruits per year.

Pears are a nutritious fruit. Everyone needs to take initiative to increase its cultivation.

Part 2: Paddy cultivation on castor land

Even if the pears are winter fruits, our country is able to produce pear fruit in temperate climates. Paddy cultivation can also be grown on the sloping slopes or in the slopes of the homesteads. Let's know how to cultivate pears.

Soil: Pests can be cultivated on well-lit, fertile fog or sandy soil. Paddy cultivation has begun in some parts of Chittagong (hill slopes). Durgapur hill areas of Netrokona district also favor paddy cultivation.

Proliferation: The pear is usually proliferated by the addition of buds.

Time period: In April-May the pear pen has to be tied. Then in July-August, the pen has to be planted before cutting. This time is the perfect time to plant.

Planting Plants: Seedlings from the mid-June to mid-October (rainy season) on the slopes of the hill or in the adjoining homestead are planted.

Planting distance: For paddy cultivation, plant should be 4 to 6 meters away.

Fertilizer application: Pears are generally good for human consumption. Besides, rotten cow dung - 15 to 20 kg, khail-1 kg, TSP-500 g, MP-250 g.

Fertilizer Application Techniques: Filling the dough with a depth of 1 meter deep and wide holes will fill the hole and fill the ingredients. If the plantation of 100 grams of urea is applied every year after one month to one and a half months after planting, the growth of the tree is accelerated.

Diseases and insects: Phangas disease is the main disease of the pear. Besides, the pest of the pestle pestle pits holes in the tree. Agrani-Dals die dry.

Disease prevention tactic: The tree that is to be attacked - should be done for the tree:
1. Ankrasana- to cut the pulse.
2. Boordopte put on the wound and serve properly.

Harvesting of pears: Generally after 2 to 3 years of planting the pear tree yields fruit.

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