Friday, October 5, 2018

Lemon farming information

Leo is one of the most popular vegetables in Bengali food table. It can not be thought without salts in the table and salad. It has the role of increasing its flavor, as well as special dietary qualities. In particular, the leafy lemon is called 'C' Vitamin Depot. A cold glass of lemon is served Cleans up the moment. Lemon is a wonderful quality of vegetables and herbs for the big people. In our country, 91 people are Vitamin Suffering because of lack of 'C'. An average adult is required to eat 30 mg of Vitamin 'C' daily on daily basis. Levi is the only fruit found in Vitamin 'C', which is available more than a whole year.

Nutritional value: Vitamin C is rich in.

Herbal Quality:
If the lemon juice mixed with honey or ginger or salt, then the cold and cold cough are relieved.

Suitable land and soil:
Lemon is well on light soaked and finely ground acidic soil.

Caste Identity:
Bari Lemon-1 (Amalichi lemon): High yielding lemon Bari Lime-1. The main features of the trough are large in the shape of the garden. The leaves are large and spacious. The tree yields fruit twice a year. It is suitable for fruit in July-August. Fertile trees yield up to 150 fruits. Larger, oval and average weight of each fruit are 195 to 260 grams. Sylhet and Sylhet in many other areas, Cobs are eaten.

Bari Lemon-2: Bari Lemon-2 High yielding varieties. Medium-sized and bushy trees. All year results in a lot of fruits. Round is round, medium weighing. It is smooth and the number of seeds is relatively low. This lemon is suitable for cultivation throughout the country.

Bari Lemon-3: A late (Nabi) variety Bari Lemon-3. The trees and leaves are small shaped. Full round and small. The skin is very smooth, husky and thin, and the number of seeds is very low (37.7%). It is suitable to eat fruits in September-October. If water and water supply are done twice a year, fruits can be found twice a year. Suitable for

Planting Plants:
Twine pens and cuttings are planted and planted 2.5 meters away from Central Boishakh in central Ain. Suitable for transplanting from mid-Boishakh to mid-ash month.

Fertilizer management:
TSP fertilizers 400 gms per plant, 400 grams of MOP, 500 grams of urea fertilizer and 15 Kg of cow dung should be applied on each tree. The first installment in its third part is from Madhya Bhadra to Central Kartik, 2nd installment from Central Magh to Central Falgun and 3rd installment from Central Jugantha to Central Apply in the month of Ashra.

Every year, from mid-Bhadra to Central Kartik, pruning of unwanted branches is done.

Irrigation and weed management
Irrigation should be done 2-3 times in the drought season.

Insect management

Pointer name: Butterfly butterfly

Damage samples: The insect worms begin to eat from the edges of the leaves and eat the whole leaf.

Management: Eggs and herbs are collected and buried under the soil. If the incidence is high, then Dimekron 100 EC 1 ml or Seven 85 SP 1 gram of water should be mixed after 10-15 days.

Pointer name: Lemon red spider

Damage Sample:
Mite lemon consumes leaves and leaves of green fruit. Then the leaves become yellow and white coat is visible on the fruit. At the bottom of the plate, it is seen that small mites move.

Sprinkle with contagious leaves. Destroy the surface. If the amount of infection is high, then 2 ml ethane 46.5 fluid or neuron 500 liters of water per liter of water, soak the lemon leaves and soak it.

Cropping: If the fruit is full, then you need to collect it while being green.

There are many varieties of lebis. There are many varieties of lemon. In them, Petilobu, Kagaligu, Elaclibilu, Sideleslabu, Salutheilu, Batabilbulu, Kamalelbou and Maltelbo are notable. Then the orangolabu is born in the hilly areas. The banks are born in the plains. Common usage of lemon: The lemon is usually used for its juice. Its shells and shells are used in various purposes. But mainly, lemon juice is used everywhere. It is difficult to find people who do not like lilac. There is a lot of calories. About 100 grams of lemon contains about 53 milligrams of Vitamin C or Asian Acid. Vitamin C increases the efficacy of the immune system. If any part of the body is cut or wounds, it can also help in the recovery of collagen cells by treating wounds by helping to heal wounds. Lemon citric acid can prevent pathogens by decreasing calcium emission. Only when levi is dependent on anything that is not good to eat at night. Lemon reduces the risk of heart disease. Leukemia used in the prescription has long been used. In the prescription, the use of lemon is very prevalent. The scar of lemon rises with lemon juice. Effective lemon juice on the stains of the face. Acne is also used in the use of lemon juice. Lumb reduces the weight of the body. There is a substance in the body to burn extra Medake deyaphale yayasamprati reduce infection at the study has been proved.

So much so that the cultivation of lemon is very easy. It is possible to cultivate the roof of the roof and even small cloves in the village. How to plant: Mix two dung-beats with a dhum-ash or sandy beetroot soil. 50 gm, SSP, 50 grams of potash, 10 grams of lime and 150 gram bone powders will be mixed together for 12-15 days for one bar. Then the planting of a lemon pen will be planted in that tubes. In the lamps, there is usually a type of disease called daiqak. So it is necessary to see that the seedling of the pen is not so sick. All the trees on lemon are usually very low in water. At the beginning of planting, the water has to be reduced.

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