Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Gardening is beneficial for you

Do you like gardening? If so, you can get more than just the pleasure from this hobby. Researchers have found that "gardening is beneficial for your health, which reduces stress, reduces blood pressure and even helps you to live longer", report London's Independent newspaper.
"Working on a busy, stressful day at home and churning in the gardens brings great relief," the author said in Gay Search. Gardening is not only rewarding and interesting, but it can be even better exercise than going to gym. How? According to the research, "the lumbering and clearing of the soil is a good and balanced exercise, which costs more calories than the number of calories consumed by bicycling."
Caring for a garden especially benefits the elderly. Waiting for a new shoot or budding to come in helps them look at the positive outlook toward the future. In addition, "garden" provides an antidote to "the pain and frustration of old age," said Dr Row of the Royal Horticultural Society. Bridget Boardman said. Older people often feel discouraged because others become increasingly dependent on others day by day. But as the Boardman said, "Our desire is to control our plantations by planting trees, how to decorate the garden and how we serve it, by having our authority over all of these things. As well as the desire to take care of it.
Those who are suffering from mental health problems often work in a beautiful, peaceful environment to be relieved. Also, producing flowers or food for others can help those people to regain their confidence and self-esteem.
However, those who do gardening are not only benefited from greenery. Professor Roger Ulrich of the University of Texas, examined a group of people who had a test of pressure. He noticed that those who were taken to a place surrounded by trees were healed faster than those in the general environment, which were measured from their heart rate and blood pressure. Another such experiment showed that patients who were in hospital to recover after surgery had benefited from plants that were seen in plants. Compared to other patients, "they were cured quickly, they returned home early, they needed less treatment for pain relief and they reduced the complaints of inconvenience."


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