Friday, October 5, 2018

Cultivation of Kutcha Vegetable

Method of cultivation: There are many types of buds in Bangladesh. Among them, the panchikuchi, the peacock, the panchamukhiacchu, the two-rod, oak kachu, the Manchchu etc. are notable. The following is discussed about the Panchikur farming system.

Suitable land and soil: Rain or irrigation water can easily be retained. This kind of semi-high, low-to-high, low-clay soil is suitable for wet cultivation.

Caste Selection: Many varieties of pancakes are cultivated in Bangladesh. Among these, lotas of lotus varieties are produced.

Planting of the seedlings: Generally, the paddy plant is required to be planted in the month of Falgun from Agrahayan. However, in advance for the crop, it can be sown in the Ashwin-Kartik month.

Construction of land: Two to three cultivation and ladder have to be made to make the land for the cultivation of water for the Kadam.

Fertilizer application: For panchakuchi cultivation, apply 10 tons dung hectare, 150 kg urea, 125 kg TSP, 150 kg MOP, 90 kg gypsum and eight kg of zinc fertilizers. During the last cultivation, dung, TSP, gypsum and zinc fertilizers will be mixed well with soil. After 20-30 days of planting the seedlings of urea and MOP fertilizer in the same amount, after the first installment and after 60-90 days, apply to the second installment in the second installment, and then mixed with the soil well.

Planting Method: 60 cm after making the land. Remotely rows 45 cm in every row After that (5-6 cm deep) panchikura sapna have to be planted. According to this distance, about 37 thousand (bigha 5000) seedlings are needed per hectare.

Next service: Needless to keep weeds free at Panikchur, if necessary. Running and shallow water in the beginning helps in the rapid growth of paniqua trees. Therefore, till planting of the seedlings, till the time of harvesting, 2-5 cm in the field. The water is to be kept in place. Apart from this, for the proper growth of water, sometimes the water from the land will be removed and the soil of the soil should be flushed out. After drying the land for two to three days, water will be irrigated again.

Suppressing insect spiders and diseases: Spider and lace insect in the worm and the stains of the disease in the disease. These insects and diseases will be suppressed through integrated pest management (IPM).

Crop collection and yield: It is useful for sprouting of 60 -90 days during the growing of paddy seedlings. After 10-15 days the laddi can be removed. And it is useful to collect paddy stalks within 140-180 days of planting of seedlings. If the cultivation of panchakchu in a better way, 25-30 tonnes of trunk and 10-12 tonnes of land is available from every hectare land.

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