Friday, October 5, 2018

Desi bean farming

Shyam's English name is Bean. In winter, native beans are very popular vegetables. The price is high due to low supply at the beginning of the winter season. This lemon juice is eaten in two ways as a curd. Desi beans are an important winter vegetable of Bangladesh. It's nutritionally delicious, and very popular with people of all classes. The lean bean seeds contain plenty of protein and carbohydrates, which are very useful as food. Apart from this, there is enough calcium, phosphorus and vitamin 'A', 'B' and 'C'. These nutritional components play an important role in nourishing our body.
Beans can be cultivated in all types of soil. However, fennel or sandy fennel soil is more suitable for native cane cultivation. It is better to choose a high or medium high ground for cultivating bean.
The Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, which was invented, is very good for the cultivation of native beans Bari Shim-1 and Bari Shim-2. Apart from this, two-month varieties of white Ipas-1 and Baramasi violet YPSA-2 are also cultivated around the whole year.

Substantial land and soil: Beans can be cultivated in almost all types of soil. However, the yield of fine-fiber and sandy soils is better.

Caste Selection: Various varieties of beans include walnutconsana, Naldak, ashina, Kartika, Hatikan, Bouqani, Rupban, Bari Shim-1, Bari Shim-2, Bari Shim-3, Bari Shim-4, Ipsa-1 and Ipsa-2 etc. .

Sowing time: Proper time for sowing seed from month to month.

Maternal formation and fertilizer application: Country Shim is cultivated mainly on the basis of maternal practices, surrounded by homesteads, ponds, pavements, and ground aisles. However, if the row is cultivated, then rows at a distance of 1 meter and 50 cm in every row after 45 cm long, 45 cm wide and 45 cm deep mada to be made. Then each mother should fill the soil with 10 kg of raw dung, 150 grams of TSP and 100 gram mop fertilizers. There is monsoon when sowing seeds, so for the reason that the soil does not get water, the soil is filled up to 5 cm in the soil from the common flat of land.

Sowing of seed: After 8-10 days of application of medicines, two or three seed spacing should be sown in 2.5-3.0 cm deep in every MADA. After 10-12 days of planting, every mother will have to remove two healthy and vigorous plants after the rest. If the seeds are sown in 24 hours before sowing, then early saplings grow. Seed beans require 40 grams (5-7 kg in hectare) bean seeds in one century or 40 square meters of land.

Next Service: Regularly cleaned with seedling and its surrounding weed hoe. Apart from this, it will be kept in the loosening and sprouting. If the bean has the ability to tolerate the drought, then due to absence of rain, water is irrigated due to deficiency of soil.

Upper fertilizer application: The application of fertilizer in the semolina is done in two installments. The first installment is one month after planting and two to four flowering plants in the second installment tree. In every installment, mix 25 grams of urea and 25 grams of Mop fertilizer around the beginning of the tree (10-15 cm away from the beginning) and apply the mixture to the soil. If there is lack of roses on the soil during fertilizer application, then irrigation should be done with granules.

Stretch or bouquet: The greater the chance of shampoo bower, the higher the yield. Therefore, when the seedling is 15-20 cm long then the bamboo shoots (kanchisaha) should be put on the ground near the beginning of the tree. Shingles can spread good fruits and fruits in this storm. Bamboo or bamboo can be removed in domestic system or shimagacha can be removed in the house of six homes. Apart from this, bamboo flasks and kanchi are made of structures like English 'non' and also produce good yields from bamboo by plowing on the land.

Before Planting After Taxation and Care:
The time of sowing the seeds of indigenous bean from Assh to Bhadra. But the audible month is the appropriate time. In the month when seeds are sown, before the end of the Agrahayana or the beginning of Kartik, there is no tree bearing flowers and fruits. Exception is the Bermasi variety. Since there is an advance, medium and nabi variety in the local Shim, there is no yield in time when cultivating knowledge without knowing the exact information of the species.
In addition to the native shim fields, beside the wall of the house, small mats are placed on the sides of the yard, and they can be cultivated in the fields, ponds, and on the road side and in the vineyards of the fields. In the field, cultivation of land and ladders has to be done very well and in equal condition. After that, after making 5 feet of row in 10 feet distance, the hole or mada should be made. Dig a hole of one and a half feet and dig a deep hole, keep 10 kg of organic or dung fertilizers, 50 grams of urea, 100 grams of TSP and 50 grams of Mop fertilizers mixed with 6 to 7 days. It may be useful to take fertilizer plants. The other holes and fertilizers have to be used for planting in other places.
Seeds of 40-50 grams per century are required. 3-4 seeds have to be sown in every mother. The seedlings have to be removed after leaving 1 or 2 dry and vigorous plants. But if there is shortage of seeds or if you want to plant good seedlings, then seedlings from seed in polybag can be made. It can be planted in the selected dry-leaf disease or insect-free weed plant. On the other hand, if the seed does not sow in the field due to rain or other crops in the field, it is better to make saplings in polybags over time.
After planting, if the tree is not coming to the tree or it is 15 to 20 cm in length, then it is not good to let the weed grow, keeping the soil in the beginning and keeping loose. If the tree is slightly taller, then it is necessary to prepare the woodwork and later the banner for the machar. For the rainwater that does not accumulate in the root of the tree, the drainage stem should be cut.

Winter tomato farming

Tomato is a nutritious quality filled with salad vegetables. Vitamin A and Vitamin C are also one of the sources. It also contains beta-keratin, a type of vitamin that protects from night blindness. There are more protein, carbohydrates, minerals and other essential nutrients. Herbal-rich Tomatoes contain cancer-resistant ingredients. Playing a tomato daily reduces the chances of having a 60 percent chance of cancer.

During the preparation of seed bed: suitable time for planting winter tomatoes, from the second week to the third week (from the last week of October to the first week of November).

Planting and Planting Method: Tomatoes can be cultivated in almost all types of soil. However, the belly dome-Ash soil is the most useful. The right time to plant sapling from the last week of Kartik (the last week of November to the first week of November). But till midnight - 20-25 days of saplings can be planted. When the land is completed, it is necessary to make the bed around 10-15 cm high and make drainage arrangements around the bed. With the help of planting, water will be provided. The distance from row to row is 50 cm and the distance of the seedlings to seedlings is 50 cm.

The best varieties of tomato name: Bahar, without tomato -4, without tomato -5, bari te to2 or ratan, bari tomato-3, 4, hybrid, vigorous, mintu, bari tomato -5 are very good results.

Land preparation and fertilizer application: The land is generally to be prepared by cultivating three four cultivars and ladder on land. Before the last cultivation, half of the quantity of dung fertilizer and the entire TSP fertilizer should be re-prepared and the land should be re-cultivated. The remaining half of the dung should be mixed with soil at the time of planting. Applying urea and potash should be applied equal to 15 days after planting and 35 days after planting. Apply urea 80-100 kg per acre, TSP 60-80 kg, MP 68-92 kg, gypsum 20-30 kg, boron 1-2 kg and 4 tonnes dung.

Irrigation: It is necessary to irrigate water if it is cultivated in dry season. Irrigation can be given three times considering the conditions of the crop and the soil.

Care: Understanding the condition of the land will give water to the trees with light shower. After weeding, after planting the weeds, the land should be sprayed and the weeds should be cleaned lightly. Tomato prawns in the tree to get good yield and perfect results. As well as creating two 'non-shaped bamboo frames' between the two rows, the tomato yield increases. If the tree is not too large, then it is necessary to prune extra stems. Before the application of the first and second installment fertilizer has to be pruned. Insects and disease attacks are less and fruit size and weight increase. Hedge should be kept weed-free.

Disease and insect suppression: 5 percent of the tomato fruit pesticides should be sprayed with mixed mixture of 10 grams of 425 EC 20 ml in water. In some areas, there are worms, chronic diseases of the disease. In that case, before the planting of the soil, puradan-3g is purified by soil, the incidence of these diseases decreases. If properly attended, the hectare yield can be around 70-90 tonnes per year.

Collection and storage of tomato seeds: Planting fruit from the soil should be kept in the house for 2-3 days, so that the fruits are soft. After softening, the seeds cut into two parts should be kept in a dry glass or plastic container 24 to 48 hours. After that the seeds should be washed thoroughly with clean water and dry them in sunlight and close the glass or plastic containers.

Harvesting and harvesting: Seedlings can be started in 60 to 90 days of planting seasoned tomatoes. Tomatoes can be collected both in ripe and raw areas. Seven to eight tomatoes can be collected from every tree. If there is little reddishness in the bottom of the fruit, it is useful to harvest crops. Tomato yield can be up to 80 to 100 kg per annum.

Onion cultivation and doing

There are fame around the world in the lavish luxury of Bengalis. Consumption of cooked cuisine in combination with the variety of spices, it does not take time to conquer any human mind. The rate at which Asian people use spices on our daily food list is not noticeable in other countries of the world. And there is no substitute for spicy food to make it tasty and delicious. Likewise, I will present today the description of a spicy variety and its use is well-received in the house of the Bengali people. It will be wrong to say the onion is only spice. Because onions are spices and vegetables too. Onion with rice, raw onions on the salad, raw gooseberry in Jhalmuri, potato, and brinjal flour, and its use in dried fare is very much appreciated. The use of betel paste as a spice, makes the butter a delicious and rosy way.
Onion is an important and essential spice. Vitamin A is more in its leaf. In addition, vitamin C and calcium rich on onion leaves and data. The onion meal is also fast palmer and it is not a combination of it.

Production ground: Major onion production areas of Bangladesh are in greater quantity of onion production in the Faridpur region of Chittagong, Comilla, Noakhali, Sylhet, Dhaka, Manikganj, Faridpur, Jamalpur, Mymensingh, Barisal, Jessore, Kushtia, Rajshahi and Rangpur.

Farming method: Sandy-loam soil is good for onion cultivation, but the pH value is 5.5 to 6.5. For the cultivation of this crop, it is necessary to keep the soil very tidy with frequent cultivation. Onion is well-fertilized with good organic matter.

Onion varieties: Taherpuri, Bari onion-1 (Tahrpuri), Bari onion-2 (Rabi season), Bari onion -3 (Kharif season) (a) Local varieties (b) Faridpuri

Sowing of seeds: Seeds produce seedlings and they have to plant in the seed field. Salkkand can be planted. Onion seedlings are cultivated on seeds by sowing the seeds.

Seed rate: In the method of seed, 2.5-4 kg seeds per hectare, around 550 kilograms of sandalwood in bulb method.

Production of seedlings: For seeds of 3m, 9m siege, we need 20-30 grams of seeds. After seed sowing, the seeds are covered with 5-6 cm thick sand.

Sowing time: Seed sowing during the month of October-November in the seedland or on the land. Direct seed should be row-bred.

Method of planting: Onion is cultivated in three ways in our country.
1. Sprinkle seeds directly on the land
2. Planted off or balap
3. Planting seedlings collected from seedlings.

Planting Distance: Distance from row to 30 centimeters 5-6 seedlings can be kept at a distance of 30 centimeters per row. It can be done for planting the seedlings almost a month after sowing. The distance of the row is 30 centimeters and the row 4 distance 8-16 centimeters. Sapling can be grown early in crop by planting. Seeds can not be grown in the first year from the seeds of foreign big varieties of onion seeds. Generally onions of 1-2 cm in diameter can be planted at a distance of 3 to 40 centimeters in the range of 8-16 centimeters depending on onion varieties. With the cultivation of onion land, soil erosion should be given to weed control and water irrigation.

Fertilizer application: Dung, fertilizer, khail and TSP fertilizers can be applied before scraping at the time of preparation and after fertilization of urea and muriate of potash fertilizer after 15-18 cms height.

Care: The clay that comes out of the potted plant has to be broken at the beginning. Cauliflower can be used as curry or salad. Applying urea and potash fertilizers in the portion of the onion crop for which seed is kept, TSP fertilizer can be applied in the second phase of 10 kg per hectare.

Seed Production: The seeds are sown much thicker to produce seeds. As a result, small size of onions are found in the number of times more than the same land. If it is sown and stored in the next year, then it is available in excess quantity of seeds.

Collection and testing of good seeds: Must have to buy improved and expired seeds. Best of all, if you can get seeds from BADC seed center. To test the seed, leave the thin part of a banana bark of 14-15 inches long and leave the remaining part in the left side and leave the remainder in the left. Of these, by adding 25 seed seeds into the house, the bark will be tied and kept in a safe place of the house. As if both light and air are in contact. Thus, after 4/5 days, it will be wet with a little water. Then, by opening the embankment, you see how many seeds have sprouted. If 8 seeds per ten seeds grow, then it can be understood that it is good seed. Seed should be kept in a thin cotton cloth in pond water for about 30-40 minutes. Then the cloth pots will be kept loose in a safe place by binding tightly. After hanging for 48 hours, the seeds of the seeds sprouted in the face. When roughly 85 percent of the seeds are seen in the mouth, the soil will be equalized by light ladders sprouting them. It takes at least 10-12 days to sow the seeds and sow the seeds. After 35-40 days after planting, after planting the seedlings with thin slit, it is better to increase the growth of the plant and keep the soil in the soil for many days. With the same method of planting the raised seedlings on the same soil, it is better to apply soil to the soil and to fill the soil with sapling in the hole after plowing the soil with a ladder. In this case, the distance of the seedlings from seedlings to 10-15 cm And the distance from row to row is 30 cm.

Sweetie farming

Mittakumda can be sown at any time of the year in Bangladesh, but the farmers generally cultivate sweet pies during the Rabi seasons, from November to January and in the Kharif season from February to May.

Land preparation and seed sowing:
For producing small quantities of sweets, the seeds can be sown in shade without shelter around the house. In the case of business-based cultivation, first cultivate the land with cultivation and ladder and sow the seed in the loft or row in a specific distance. In the case of bushy varieties, two meters distance can be kept as well. It is recommended to be 3 to 4 meters in the paste.

Seed Planting:
For the Baishakhi pumpkin, it can be made from 2.3 to 2.7 meters and for other pumps, 3 to 3 cmm can be made. It is better to make holes (80 × 80 × 80 cubic centimeters). There are six to seven seeds to be planted in each field. After planting, there are two good seedling plants. The need for 1 to 2 decimal 1.9 kg seed of hectare. Boishakhi pumpkin clay can be used on the ground. Makers are necessary for other pumpkins.

Fertilizer application:
For pumps, there are 5 tonnes of dung fertilizers, 350 to 400 kg of canal, 120 to 130 kg of urea, 150 to 175 kg of TSP and 120 to 130 kg MP for hectare. After 10 to 12 days after sowing the seeds in mache, it is necessary to fill the holes with mud fiber, ash, khail and triple super phosphate holes. After the plants are 25 to 30 cm long, cut a shallow stem with the macho boundary and add the urea fertilizer to the soil of the drain and fill the stove. Muriate of potash is to be applied with uranium.

Interim service:
Most of the areas require irrigation if sweets are cultivated in dry season. It is very important to arrange drainage during rainy season.
If you throw it on the bower, the yield is high and the quality of the flowers is good; But to consider the economic aspect of the increase in the cost of the bioonom. When cultivating cultivated varieties of land as a crop, it is better to spread some pistachios under the fruit when it is fruit that is not affected by soil contact.
In the morning for artificial pollination, the male flowers are worn by the anther of the flower, and the female flowers are gently rubbed in the womb. Occasionally creates problems with fruit fly called insect fruit. If you can not control the insect with medicines, then it is possible to cover the cloth or polythene with a bowl until the fruit gets bigger than the foreskin. In this case, artificial pollination is needed.

Tree trimming:
Pumpkin yield is less often due to excessive growth of the plant. In this situation, some plants can be cut off.

Pollination problem:
Sometimes, after the pumpkin leaves from the flower dry up, or it is dried away. After applying TSP fertilizer to the soil and after flowering in the morning, it can be passed on to the flowering womb of fruit flowering of mulberry flowers.

Pest Suppression:
Among the various insects of poultry plants, lalpoka, kettle insects and fruit flies are notable. Spraying of Seven (10%), Dusting or Nexian (zero decimal 5%) and Dygeninan (zero decimal 7%) spray can be applied to control the insect. The fruits of the fruit of the turtle penetrate the hole. The area where the affected area is rotten or the increase in the part of it stops. Depressants, nyxian or diarrhea can be used occasionally to suppress the insect.

Disease suppression:
Among poultry plants, Powdery Milady, Downey Mildid and Anthroconge chief. Diathane or parget can be sprayed after two weeks. It is better to clean seeds by mixing 1 kg of jay with 100 gallons of hot water in antidote.

Improved varieties of horticulture

Many people do not like to eat because they are exaggerated. But its medicinal value is much higher. These diets, dermatitis and worms are all about these things. Other nutritional value of Vitamin and Iron-rich vegetables is not less.

Apache and Karla are cultivated in almost all the districts of this country. Although only precipitated in summer, it can be cultivated around the whole year. Which are relatively small, round, more titha, they are called evaporation. Large, tall, and a little less, the fruit of taste is called Karla. Discourtesy are small and low inclined. The clay is overlapping and long trapezoid, the leaves are also large. Many people do not like to eat because they are exaggerated. But its medicinal value is much higher. Diabetes, dermatitis and worms, they are a specialist. Other nutritional value of Vitamin and Iron-rich vegetables is not less.

There are many types of soil that can not be grown in the soil and the water is not accumulated. However, it is better to have biomass-rich fennel and sandy fennel in the soil. The shade is not well in place.

Due to the evaporated and curried vegetables, varieties of varieties are not available. The next year, after planting a seed, it is not possible to get the exact same type of fruit from the seeds kept from the seeds. Therefore, it should be cultivated by collecting good varieties of good seed from a trusted source every season. Almost all species of camels are native or local. The cultivators keep their seeds and apply them. The varieties of karla in this country are:

High yielding varieties are collected in 1. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute has invented varieties. This tree has 25 to 30 karla trees. Hectare yield yield 25 to 30 tons (100 to 120 kg per century).
BADC has another species named 'Gaz Karla'. This species is also good, 15 to 20 trees per plant. The yield is 20 to 25 tons (80 to 100 kg per century).
Hybrid variety Bulbuli, Tia, Parrot, Kakali, Prime-XL, Tide, Green Star, glory, Pride 1, Pride 2, Green Rocket, diamond 304, Mini, Goodbye, Wyjman, Jumbo, Ghazni, Eureka, Diamond, Manik, Gem , Joy, Code-BSBD 2002, Code-BSBD2005, Pentagin, Vivak, Piya, NSC5, NSC6, Raja, Bhai etc.

Land and MADA:
When the land is properly cultivated, weeds should be cleaned by adding 40 kg of raw dung manure to each district. After finishing the ladder, it will be cut to a length of 1 meter wide and 30 cm in width. The length of the land can be as tall as the bed. If it is too long it can be broken into the middle. In case of hoarding, 1 m and karla 1.5 m away from the mada will be made. Mama to be made 40 cm in all directions. Season 7 to 10 days before seed drilling to be mixed with rotten cow dung and fertilizer soil soil.

Anytime of the year it is now fitted. However, it is best in Kharif or summer-monsoon season. To cultivate this season, seed will be harvested from February to May. If you want to get the yield in advance, it is better to sow seeds in mid-February. But it is better to spring-summer. If you want to cultivate the need to plant seeds in January to March. Seeds of karna can be sown from March to June. Every seed should be sown in every madda. If the seeds are hard to grow, the seeds should be kept wet in the night before the seedling, then it will grow well. However, the seed can not be sown directly in the seed of Madha, but it can be planted in the seedlings of cotton or polybag. Generally 600 grams of seeds are 600 to 700 seedlings. Seeds of 12-15 grams per century and seeds of 25 to 30 grams of karla takes.

Fertilizer Quantity:
Organic cultivation requires a lot of organic manure. Half of the total organic manure should be given in the cultivation time and the remaining half of the seed sown or planting 10 days before planting. Other fertilizers should be given according to the table below.

If the seedling is 20 to 25 cm long, it will be necessary to arrange sticks to the bedside. Along with this, the plate should be constructed from one to one and a half meters above the ground. Since the bed is 1 meter wide, it is better to keep the straps on the same width. It is easy to carry out and to work. Bamboo sticks can be made on his head by creating a ga rope, a rope etc., and it can be made by spraying ribbons or bamboo sticks. The yield of the karala is 25 to 30 percent higher than the traction on the soil.

Irrigation and weed clear:
The seed will be sown in Madha. After planting, after drying the mada will be irrigated. After irrigating the soil, it will be washed and cleaned by weeding. Due to the absence of water, the growth of the trees decreases, flowers and shrubs fall and fruits are small. If it is drought or if the land is dry, then irrigation will be given. Irrigation should be made after fertilizer application every time. From small to small trees, the tip of the tree comes out. The yield is better if they are truncated. Keep in mind that the land can not get water.

After 40 to 50 days of planting, the discourse starts giving fruit. 60 days after the start of charcoal fruit When the fruit starts to come, the fruit can be harvested about two months from the tree.

cultivation of kutcha vegetable

In English it is called Okra. It is also known as Lady's Fingers in the English-speaking area outside of America. Molluscum (another name Vendée) is a type of flowering plant of Malvaceae family. The scientific name Abelmoschus esculentus; Or Hibiscus esculentus L. Mollified a nutritious summer vegetable. In our country, this vegetable is cultivated till the Bhadra month from the beginning of Magh Month. Various varieties of papaya include Prabha Srabani, Parvati Kranti, Orka-Anamika. Sustainable short term of these species. There are also varieties of our country.

It is always good to use new seeds for cultivation of papaya. Farmers will benefit from this. For the cultivation of molluscum, the land will be selected for the Prothom-alo-air. The land will be elevated and there should be good facilities for water harvesting. Dry-fibers are also suitable for all types of soil cultivation, although they are suitable for papaya cultivation. After the cultivation several times, during the last cultivation, 10 quintals of dry dung or decomposed fertilizer, 40 kgs of super phosphate will be mixed well with the soil.

After 40 days of planting the seed on the soil, 6 kilograms of urea must be mixed with soil. After 5 to 6 inches of coriander seedling, every gram of Kurigram will be covered with soil after rubbing it from two sides of the worm. This will yield more yield.

Apart from this, agavebacter and software called germs can be used for more production. In this, bigha yield increased from twenty to thirty percent. Before planting the seeds of mollusch in 10 to 13 hours after planting in the fields, germination will be put in the row. In the cultivation of molluscum, one inch of two rows and two inches of seed should be kept in the gap.

Under the care, the weeds should be cleaned and applied to the urea fertilizer tapedress, 6 kg in the perfume, five centimeters away from the tree. In order to prevent insects, the last cultivation of soil will be mixed with 2.5 percent maladhi powder and 5 percent of powdered insecticides. Besides, when the nimapata is mixed during the cultivation, the insects on the ground will be suppressed. If the pest attack occurs in the cultivation of molluscum, the malathion 50 EC medicines will be sprayed with a spoon of water per liter of water. When attacking various bacteria molluscs, diatrin M-45, Pectaph, Blitox etc. will be sprayed with 40 gram of 16 liters of water. However, the medicine can not be taken from the fields for 4 to 5 days for the treatment.

Ol farming

The details of the ol farming
The pre-Aryan language comes from 'Oll'. Oul is one of the most cash-rich vegetables in Bangladesh. Wool is cultivated in almost all areas of this country. But in different areas including Satkhira, Khulna, Jessore, Comilla, Chittagong Hill Tracts, now a very good variety are being commercially cultivated. Falgun-Chaitra month is suitable for planting.

Tree description:
Ol is a crumbling grass growing under the ground. The orchids can be round or long in different shapes. The top portion of the neck is like a disc. The diameter of each ear can be 10 to 50 centimeters. Weight of 20 kg weight is seen in the market. The leaf buds are straight out of the soil. Many people make mistakes because of him. The bot is divided into several branches on the upper side and arranges the leaves on both sides. The size of the ear or the size of the grinder is as large as the size of the tree and leaf, and the size of the ole also increases in proportionally. Page composite The leaves die in winter, but under the soil the bulb is in dormant position. Later leaves emerge from the center of the throat in the season or winter. If you do not keep the bulb from the soil, then there are many big holes in a few years. Many varieties of Olga are different types. In the same way, its root or root has climbed upward and the roots do not fall down. But never gets up on the ground. Various varieties of wheat are available in this country. Among them, 'Madrasi' is best in the field. In the absence of proper research, yet a high yielding variety has not been invented in this country.

Farming Method:
Wool needs high land that does not stand for water. The shadows are not good. Sandy foam increases well on the ground. To produce olive oil efficiently, a good place will be collected from a trusted place or person. Planting as a 'wheat seed' is called a 'mill'. And if you can create a mill itself, that is the best. Starting from the ground, Kartik-Agrahayana started raising the month. Then the paths that are grown on the four sides of the wall will be collected. The mill is made from these faces. Select the larger ones as possible, mix them with sand and soil and spread them on the ground in light-air shade. These faces should be planted in 8 to 10 cm deep soil in the well-cultivated land of Chaitra-Boishakh. The length of planting may be kept from row to row 30 centimeters. The distance may be extended slightly if the size of the larger size is larger. After 20 to 25 days of seedling, 300 grams of urea, 500 gram mop and 1.2 kg of TSP fertilizer should be prepared with powders mixed with soil for every century land. The necessary irrigation should also be made. These faces will become mature in the month of Kartik-Agrahayana and become a 'chakhi'. As soon as they save these mills, the chakra-boishakh will grow from these chicks in the month of the month.

Wool's land should be prepared with four to five cultivars. Then have to make the planting design. Generally, the distance from row to row for the oval is one meter. However, the job distance from the mill according to the size or weight of the mill is different in every row. For this reason, the collected grids are roughly the same size or weight. If not, then according to size or weight, the mills should be divided into two to three grades and sowing the seeds. For example, planting distance of 200 to 400 grams will be 1.75 meters, 1.9 meters for jobs of 400 to 800 grams, and above 800 gram weight, can be given distance of two meters for the job. As already mentioned, the size of the mill is as big as the size of the produced wool. That is why it is very profitable to have a large millisecond, especially the 800 grams of high-end mill. The best for planting and harvesting of 250 to 500 grams of the mill.

Horticulture has to be planted in the field of planting distance. The size of the hole is also to be done more according to the size of the job. According to 'Chaki', a hole must be 20 to 50 cm deep. The diameter of the hole can be 15 to 25 centimeters. Under the hole, the shoe should be placed on it with a little ashes. It should be noted that the face of the mill is on the straight side of the sky. Then the mixture will be mixed with soil from the soil. Fertilizer levels are 30 kg urea per acre, 120 kg TSP, 50 kg MOP The amount of fertilizers to be added to the soil of every hole will depend on the number of holes per acre. The total amount of fertilizer should be divided by the number of holes per acre and the quantity of fertilizer should be taken out. Fertilizers have to fill the hole with mixed soil. While filling, it should be noted that there is a good 'Joe' on the ground. After the fill, the face of the hole should be slightly raised with soil and made to the mound. The advantage of this is that, many times in the hole, the 'water' is destroyed due to rain water. Due to the construction of the mound lowers this possibility. It takes a lot of time to get out of the 'chakis' on the soil. So it is better to cover all the land with straw or hay. If there is a shortage of sulfur in the soil, then 20 kg of gypsum fertilizer per acre and 100 kg of ashes is available if the benefits are available.

After transplanting the plants, so that they can spread the leaves on the soil well enough, they will have to be covered with a little looseness to the whistle or straw mouth. After one year after planting, 25 kg of urea and 20 kg of MOP fertilizer should be given below the straw or ketirapana after planting. After a few days the soil can be shredded lightly after some time. However, it should be noted that the roots do not get damaged. The 'mill' continued to grow towards the top. Many people say that the shape of the ool depends on the size of the hole.